In a society where a college education is necessary to attain a job, people will pay any price to get a degree. Since 1965 government assistance programs such as FAFSA have made attending college much more simple for the working class. However, such programs focus much of their efforts on assisting lower income students and fail to contribute to students from middle class families. Middle class students or their parents are caught in a situation in which they must pay for all of their college funds, or they are put into debt from the outrageous amount of loans. Financial aid is based off of the parent’s income until the age of 25, but there are situations in which not parents are able or willing to pay for their child’s education due to the high cost of tuition. Complications of financial aid arise due to the lack of focus in financial assistance for students who come from middle class families. Due to the complications of the financial aid system students from the middle class are forced to choose cheaper schools, go into debt, or enter the work force, yet prices of getting an education are only getting higher. For middle class families options to pay for school are very limited, without financial aid or the funds to pay, a life of debt and worry surely waits.…