In the 1970`s, Chinese government implemented one-child policy for Chinese families to control the rapidly growing population (Zhang and Goza 2006). This policy, although passed into law for almost 40 years, has come under much heated debate on whether China should maintain it or abolish it altogether. Along with Chinese population structure changing, two social issues, population aging and imbalance of sex ratio arise and gradually become manifest. One-child policy is said to be responsible for these two issues, and it is demanded that the policy should be abolished. However, by in-depth and careful analysis on relation between one-child policy and two issues, and also considering Chinese temporarily still austere population situation, one-child policy should not be abolished.
Chinese one-child policy (also as known as family planning policy) was instituted in 1979 to control the rapid population growth at that time. During the past three decades, one-child policy has not been a fixed policy. The specific items of one-child policy have changed and also vary in different places. Generally speaking, one-child policy encourages later marriage, later pregnancy; it demands that one couple be allowed to have only one child, with several exceptions under some specific circumstances (For example, if both husband and wife are rural registered residents, and their first child is a girl, they are entitled to have a second child.). (先鸡后蛋 2012)
Since Chinese total fertility rate has dropped dramatically from about 7.5 in 1963 to 1.7 in 2003 (国家人口发展战略研究课题组 2007), a phenomenon called population aging arises in China. Population aging is the increase of the number and proportion of old people in society. According to international general view and standard, when people who are over 60 years old in a country or district account for 10% of the total population, or people who are over 65 years old account for 7% of the total