fear of running out of resources. “The population controls have kept sulfur dioxide emissions down by 17.6% and [reduced] water pollution by 30.8%,” said Lui Shaojie in Document C. This means more clean drinking water, which is a much needed resource. As of 2012, this policy prevented over 250 million births (Document E). Because so many births had been prevented, there were easily more resources.. The less people there were, the more clean water, food, clothes,etc. available. The policy was helpful because of this.
The one-child policy was also a good idea because many of the children were happier than they would have been, and they had better opportunities. In Document F, A.J. Song was interviewed and said : “My parents, they give me everything. I’m the center of attention in the family...If you have more kids in your family, probably they’re lacking in education, lacking food, lacking any kind of support, no matter emotional or financial.” Song has experienced this first hand. He is happy with what is happening, and knows that he has better opportunities. This policy had also been great for single daughters: “these teens have been socialized to value education and career success and provided the resources with which to achieve it (Document D).” Young women are taught from the time they are children to value all education and successes. Not only that, but they have the resources to get them these opportunities. This was very good for the children. They have better opportunites, and were happier throughout their childhood, which will carry into adulthood. The one-child policy was a very good idea for China to implement.