The main characters of a book are generally the most important aspects of a book. These characters are what the readers will watch, understand, and learn about. However the characters in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest have few positive characteristics, and promote negative actions, such as aggressive and disruptive behavior. In the book, Miss Ratched, the head nurse of a psychiatric hospital, describes a primary character, McMurphy, as a "Manipulator", someone who manipulates for "Comfort and an easy life, the feeling of power and respect, monetary gain [or] simply the actual disruption of the ward for the sake of disruption" (Kesey 44). McMurphy is simply said to be someone who will trick others for his own benefit. Not only is McMurphy directly identified as being a negative influence, but there is much more to be interpreted from his history of gambling, violence, and insanity. A main character who is self centered, manipulative, and disruptive is not a positive influence to be teaching. However, being a main character, students would be greatly exposed to McMurphy's character flaws. Through understanding the characters, it should be noted that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest should not be taught in schools, because of the imbalance of important teachable aspects in the …show more content…
It is believed by Mental Health America that 1 in 5 adults have a mental disorder such as ADHD or Bipolar. Behavior and mental disorder affect millions, and are meant to be treated as any other disease would be. These issues can have serious impacts on students. In an academic journal on the peer problems in children certain behavior issues, it was emphasized that "children with inattentive-impulsive-overactive behaviors, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and children with oppositional defiant disorder experience higher rates of peer rejection, isolation, loneliness, and fewer friendships" (Andrade 2183). The fact that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest represents behavioral issues as not being an issue is problematic. Studies show there are many complications with such illnesses. Further troubling is the fact that the setting is a psychiatric hospital that does very little in the form of aiding the patients. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest should not be taught in schools, because it desensitizes student to the the illnesses that are behavioral issues. In addition to desensitizing students, the book may imbue students to act out, as they expect positive outcomes from their experience of the book. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest should truly be banned as to stop students from attempting to replicate the actions in the book, and to halt the desensitization