
One Group Ethics

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One Group Ethics
This document describes the values behind the ethical approach that the leadership team of One Group Incorporated is committed to developing and maintaining in our business. The leadership team is made up of Christian professionals who possess vast, combined business management and supervisory experience. Consequently, the team agrees that an integrated, values-based approach to the vision, mission, and ethics for One Group Inc. will best serve our God and constituents. The selected values were created based on cooperative data gathering using the two texts, Leading with Values: Positivity, virtue, and high performance (Hess & Cameron, 2006) and Beyond integrity: A Judeo-Christian approach to business ethics (Rae & Wong, 2012). Additional …show more content…
Indeed, our leaders acknowledge mankind’s sinful tendency toward utilitarianism; ‘the ends justify the means’ (Rae & Wong, 2012). However, we depend on God’s design, “To do righteousness and justice is desired by the Lord more than sacrifice.” (Proverbs 21:3, NASB). Moreoer, Dees considers integrity “a seamless integration of faith, family and profession into a God-honoring life message” (2013, p. 84). Hence, we will pray for guidance to hire those who exhibit this value and hope that our integrity will impart a level of trust, reliability, and responsibility to distinguish us from competitors and aid enduring …show more content…
We desire to remove the stigma of employees excelling at work but not at home or vice versa. “As emphasized by several researchers, managing work-life balance has become one of the most critical managerial strategies for ensuring employees' performance and organizational performance improvement” (Kim, 2014, p. 2). We will encourage balance through our “We Can Be Both” program, by applying this biblical command, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34,

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