Carlos Simmons
BMAL 570-Business Ethics
Liberty University
February 20, 2016
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the biblical values that are displayed by Chick-Fil-A Inc., which are value-based leadership, social responsibility, and stewardship. These values are not only displayed within the organization, but are also present in the communities in which operates, as well as other businesses that are associated with Chick-Fil-A, such as it?s suppliers. Chick-Fil-A has included these values in it?s corporate culture and philosophy from the founding it?s …show more content…
A culture that values every employee?s contribution to it?s team, is conscious of it?s fiduciary responsibility to the communities that it operates in, and stewardship in both service and mission. These lessons contributed to Cathy brothers? development as leaders within their business and outside of it. According to Winston and Fields (2014), development of leaders is facilitated by the use of clear parsimonious instruments designed to measure specific constructs. In the absence of parsimonious instruments, formal education, and staff, the Cathy brothers relied on life?s experiences, common sense, and the bible as …show more content…
This same responsibility is placed on the shoulders of entrepreneurs. For everything that they have been provided to them by graciousness of God. To whom much is given, much is required in regards to the execution of their duties within their organizations, in the communities that they operate. Their efforts are not for the purpose of profit, but for the purpose of serving mankind. Organization?s that are conscious of their social responsibility create wealth for shareholders and customers but does so while paying good wages to employees and treating suppliers fairly, (Rae & Wong, 2012). Organizational research has provided strong evidence that when and organization is socially responsible employees are more committed, which is essential for the success of the organizational, (Bingham et al.,