Fomer srudent Qd( -] / $V P-f"..o, E.hl"-*
English1301 Jrly 1,2007
One L&nguaggOne Nation
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Robert Kingis rheauthorofthe shot article"shouldtsnglish the Law?"thatllrst appearcd Be in in lqg7. He servedasdeanof Liberal Afls ar the University of Texasat Austin.
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The pie€eis aboutthe controvemy ovff makingEnglish the nationallanguage. ThoughKing believes ofthe U.S. will cieatepolitical upheavals believeswe and that makingErylish the official language his needto be tolerantof our language differences, pieceis rmconvincing.He acknowledges fact that the America is a country foundedby immigrantswilling to give up their homecountryto unite and form one the of the greatest natiors in the world, but doesnot undemtand nationaldisunity that would be created and and by irlmigrants comingto the United States promoting their own languages cultues ratherthan the Americanculture asa whole. n "d0t w\P d\ " King's essaybrings up importantquestions the conversation in aboutidenlity-national identity
it. andwhat constituies He startshis pieceby issuinga definition ofa "languageriot"-a war about 6$ " Jddr/-../r\ | 6fo 5 ()J / u1tt|"words wor(rs lndr na beenong,orrrgur our couxuy sxrcc rls beginning(rzvr. He usesa historic ;llusion when that hasoccr ongoing in our country sinceits uctsrx rts(429). ns uscs I -----: -r^f \-=-5u . J ' ',,' J )r \ -\(^r he rcfer€nces debate Congessin 1996concemingmaking English the olficial language in a ofthe )6.N f i' -
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He over language the in United States. qg@s manyofthe foundingl'athersabouttheir concems fledgling nation (430). For the remainderofhis piece,King continuesto usea(foo* to potitics, to
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and history, laws, bills in Congress, the policies ofother countries,aUto createa sense od#if,iiry