“Don’t look at past in despair, but look towards the future and prepare for it, because when it comes you’ll be ready, to take on a new challenge” he said. If you are prepared to join the military; then expect to make a difference, if you are stuck behind a desk or in the field you will be making a difference wherever you go and just like that man who joined the military twelve years ago and was proud in doing so. You might be not where want to be, but at least you are making an impact. There was another man that joined and didn’t stop at twelve; he went on to be one of the most influential people in the military. He was in Special Forces, but he didn’t like to talk about it. However, one time he told me that he wasn’t proud of killing people, but he was proud at the fact that he was doing something for his country. He took pride in the fact that he didn’t back down when things got tough. Also, just the fact that he is doing something bigger than himself. Serving his country without fail.
Both of these men have many similarities, but both of them had different outlooks on life, but they still had the same goal. They served in the military, they both were Christians, there were both stationed in Afghanistan. When they were in Afghanistan, God spoke to both the men and said, “Can you make a difference? Stand up be men of courage, fight the enemy with all you strength and then some. Give it your best and don’t stop at your best, keep going.”