Joseph Farkas thinks that every vote cast should equal every other vote.
He feels that many people are voting without knowing why they are voting for a certain person or why they aren't voting for another. He says that a vote cast by a person with no or very little knowledge in the election should not count as much as a vote cast by a person who knows a lot about the election. The people who care about who has an important role in the government should have a bigger say in who is going to have that important role. The votes cast by a person who doesn't really know why they are voting for someone should not equal as much as an election educated person. I do not think that this is a good idea at all. It would not encourage people to learn more about the election but keep them away from the voting area.
It will probably make people not want to vote because many of them would think that their vote will not mean as much to the election. It would make the people who are familiar with the candidates want to vote because they would have a bigger say in who gets elected. It would be very hard to decide who know what about the running candidates and issues that are being addressed. They would have to give some kind of multiple-choice question test that you had to fill out while voting. It would take a long time for each person to vote and I think that would make people less encouraged to come and vote. Since the only way to link a vote with a test is to have them on the same paper the voters would have to take a test every time they voted. Most people want to walk in, vote, and walk out.
They don't want to fill out a test asking them about what they know. For the people who don't know a lot about the election, they don't want to say that when they vote. If the test was only optional it might work out a little better. The test would be on the ballot and if you wanted to fill it out then you could. If you didn't fill it out or failed it when you took