In line 2 Blanco uses the word ‘peeking’ to describe the sun rising in the morning. I would change this word to the word ‘peering’ just to make it seem a little more overpowering. Blanco uses the word ‘teeming’ in line 12 to describe the silver trucks carrying oil, paper, or milk. I would change this word to ‘brimming’ so it sound like it’s overflowing the brim of the highway. The word ‘blackboard’ in line 17 is used when Blanco is talking about the lessons for the day. ‘Whiteboard’ is the word I would change blackboard to just to make it a little more modern. ‘Rooting’ in line 27 in used to describe the ground rooting us. I would change this word to embedding so that it sounds like its really effecting us deeply. And lastly, in line 29 the…
Richard Blanco is an American poet, public speaker, and author. Blanco was born February 15, 1968 in Madrid. As an infant, Blanco immigrated from Cuba to Miami, there he was raised by his family and received an American education. Since 1999 Blanco has traveled and lived in many places such as Guatemala and Brazil. He spent much of his life teaching at multiple universities such as Georgetown, American, and Central Connecticut. Blanco is a member of the Macondo Writers Workshop, this prestigious workshop was founded by Sandra Cisneros. Throughout Blancos life he has many honorable achievements to his name. However none larger and more valuable than when he was named the inaugural poet for Barack Obama's second inauguration on January 8, 2013. Blanco was the fifth person to play this role, and was the first immigrant, first Latino, and first openly gay poet to be the inaugural speaker. This not only brought fame and awareness to Blanco, but it also united many communities and brought people together.…
At the beginning of “Oranges” there is an example of enjambment “The first time I walked” (1) this makes the reader ponder on whether the poem is about a child’s first steps but as one reads on they realize it is meant to emphasize how important this walk with the girl is. The speaker’s walk with the girl becomes a milestone in the speaker’s life. Another line with enjambment is line 3 where the speaker is talking about how he feels weighed down. At first the reader may think he is weighed down because of the weather which can be true because there is the contrast of the warmth of their love and the cold winter but then as you read on he explains that he has the 2 oranges in his pocket. Typically Soto uses enjambment to place emphasis on certain words and make the poem seem like it is from a younger person's perspective. Soto does use similar language in this poem compared to his others. He never uses over complicated words because most of his poems are for a teen and younger audience. Additionally, Soto usually only has one long stanza but in “Oranges” he has two stanzas to emphasize the transition from the indoors back to the frigid outdoors. I believe “Oranges” is the most different from all of the other poems I read by Soto because it does not touch on the topic of race and has nothing relating to being a Chicano. This poem does however fit into the body of work by this poet stylistically with the use of…
Equality, is an important concern in the world today. “Women, children, men, Take it to into the palms of your hands…” (stanza 8) Our society can be a loving one with equality for men, women, blacks, and whites. Rich or poor we all have the same opportunities in our country. No matter when in history we all appear. People think that people that are not like them come from other planets, but we are all members of earth. In, "One Today" It states "One sun rose on us today, kindled over our shores, peaking over the Smokies, greeting the faces of the Great Lakes, spreading a simple truth across the Great Plains, and charging across the Rockies.". One sun, being a metaphor for the people of our country. Blanco wants to portray an image of being of one mind and one people. Standing together, in the "simple truth." the simple truth most believe is…
Next, the speaker of the poem is someone who is Spanish that used to tend to that school and knowing the features of the Theodore Roosevelt statue and what it represents. The reason for this is because the poem leaves you with facts that have taken place back in history involving Theodore Roosevelt and his invasion on the Spanish. The speaker seems to have something against Theodore…
The poem begins explaining to the reader the story of a Mexican American as he worked in an industrial factory at some point in his life. “In the factory I worked, in the fleck of rubber, under a press of an oven yellow with flame.” (Lines 1-3) Soto uses visual imagery to describe the color of the fire that comes out of the oven. “Until the border patrol opened” “Their vans and my boss waved for us to run” (4-5) the speaker demonstrate intensity and a solid imagery. “La Migra” (Spanish slang for border patrol) showed up one day at the plant and the boss ordered Soto to run assuming that the speaker is also illegal. "Over the fence Soto" he shouts (6); at this point, the reader makes the connection between the speaker and the author's name. The boss shouting at Soto represents authority over the speaker. Soto yelled “I am American” (7) but his boss was hesitant to believe him. In response to the speaker statement, the boss replies “no time for lies.” (8) Therefore, the speaker was obligated to escape with the others. Soto was a loyal employee and did what his boss asked, which lead the jog with the Mexican crowd. Here we have a conflict of identity: Soto is Mexican at heart but American in mind something that his boss may not understand. This shows it’s a dramatic poem because you can feel the pressure between the boss and the speaker and you want to continue reading the poem to find out what happens next.…
I had to read the poem several times and listen to before I really understood the different elements that were in it. At least it took some time to really figure the elements that fit good to this poem. There really could be more but I think that the ones that I chose…
Nothing about life is easy; you work, you try, and sometimes you fail regardless of your efforts.Some people believe in reincarnation, others in some form of an afterlife, and some believe you only have one life. Believing that you’re only able to live one life could benefit the person because they take that idea and they accept it. In that acceptance they choose to live everyday as if it were there last, so that by their last breath they can say they had a good life, even with the many struggles and heartache. Most people live with the belief that we only have one life; although life is a gift with endless possibilities, it's…
There is repetition all over the entire poem; he glues all the lines together by starting some lines with a common word “America, America…... When, when…., I, I….” He also uses apostrophe, he directly addresses something non-human, and he speaks to “America” as if it were a person.…
Even though Pedro Peitri characters in the poem were puetro Rican immigrants, it felt as if he was speaking for all the immigrants. The reason why I say this is because I migrated here from Nigeria and a lot of the things me and my family faced were similar. I remember the days when my parents had to go down to the salvation army to get some clothes for us, because they didn’t have enough money left over to purchase some new clothing’s. Before coming to America, I used to think that America…
The American people would not normally expect a gay Latino to present his poem at the presidents inauguration and that is the beauty of it. Granted the opportunity to write a poem for this occasion, Blanco went above and beyond gracefully telling us a story. This poem explains that no matter where we are, what story we have to tell, which coast we subside in, that we are all united. We all live under the same sky so background, race, and orientation should not matter. Blanco brings up how his family was part of the…
This photo was taken while I was on a dog sledding trip in the forests of North Bay. The dog in the photo Moose, paid no attention to me. This was very challenging, because my original idea for the photo was a close up of him so I could remember his cute face. As soon as I took the photo, I immediately thought of Alice and Rose’s troubled relationship. Rose is usually the one trying to reach out and connect with her mother, but unfortunately her mother doesn’t reciprocate. The in-between space from This One Summer I intended to capture in the photo is the space between Alice and Rose. They don’t fully ignore each other, but they don’t connect either. I also wrote a poem, which accompanies the photo. Some of the aspects of my photo that were…
There are numbers of literary devices that Emanuel Xavier utilizes throughout the poem “Tradiciones”. The effect of these devices is to give the poem a quality of Slam/Spoken Word. Some of the literary devices are cataloging, free verse, hyperbole and imagery. For example, the stanza five, the lines three through seven read cataloging as this “negros”, “chinos”, “gringos”, “maricones” and…
Unfortunately, this poem was written in the wake of a gruesome civil war in El Salvador. Some even describe it as “one of the bloodiest political contests in Latin America’s recent history...that cost near 80,000 lives” (Sprenkels…
There is rhyme every other line for most of the poem that immediately guides the reader through the poem. The phrases “I rise” and “Still I rise” are used repetitively throughout the poem to show that the speaker continues to overcome each situation of oppression and each oppressor.…