Robert Beers
Date: 4/29/14
English 101
Diane Aghabegian
In “One Writers Beginning” Eudora Welty’s Speaks of “The Voice”. She describes this as human and inward. The voice is not hers but “the voice” of the reading; a cadence if you will. We will explore how Welty’s voice that runs like a pulse through her will lead to what she describes as the “The stamps” of her life. Welty’s stamps will form her deepest learning experiences and dance nicely next to her imagination from early childhood and into her adultlife.We will ponder and think about how and what pulse, stamps and ‘the voice” means to Welty’s and attempt to incorporate them into our interpretations drawing from both hers and our personal experiences. First let’s attempt to talk about Welty’s writings on stamps. She will write that “learning stamps you with its moments” (Welty).She also goes on to say that that “Childhood is made up with moments”. “It isn’t steady, it is a pulse”. (Welty)I find this interesting because when I hear the word pulse I automatically think of a steady pulse. If it was not for Welty’s saying “it is not steady would have considered it a consistent pulse find that because she did refer to it as un steady it changes the whole way the reader or in this case myself will interpret “pulse”. That being said Welty’s pulse …show more content…
seems to be sometimes steady or may spike at moments of clarity or “ah ha’ moments. It may basically go where ever it wants. So when we talk of Welty’s stamps I believe she is referring to her deepest, most intense or impactful moments from her childhood. Welty’s reference to “the voice” is imaginative and draws you in.This feels close to the reader because we all have some form of an inner voice. The interpretation of this to this reader is the voice is your own personal story teller. A narrator to your readings of books and the like. In Welty’s case she was deeply impacted by her mother’s voice. Reading her story’s as a child but it is interesting to note that this will not become her voice but probably one of Welty’s “Stamps of her childhood “that helped form her ongoing process of learning and imagination. We have used the word imagination a few time here already believe that imagination is a critical part of the overall real learning process will quote
(Vladimir Nabokov, Good Readers and Good Writers) 4 rules of a successful reader:
The reader should have imagination.
The reader should have memory.
The reader should have a dictionary.
The reader should have some artistic sense.
“The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social-economic or historical angle.
Of course, as you have guessed, the good reader is one who has imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sense--which sense I propose to develop in myself and in others whenever I have the chance”. (Vladimir Nabokov)I believe that Vladimir’s Nabokov’s opinion of imagination stringent as they may be are good comparison or contrast to Welty’s because they are both intense interpretations of creating solid reading tools explanations of their opinions and experiences on how to read in their
In my life I will draw on a few experiences to try and translate Welty’s views in “One Writers Beginning” and how I might relate and attempt to talk about a few of my “Stamps” and How my Pulse my operate. For example When I was a young man the first book my mother read to me was “the little train that could “She would read this to me in a voice that was near and dear to me because my mother and I had a close and healthy relationship I trusted her every word and listened with delight. On a side note this was also my training book so when I was on the toilet learning to be a big boy. She would read me this very short story. This had a deep impact on me and stands out as one of my early child stamps’ sometimes think about this situation and that book when I am in a bathroom. To me this could be considered a stamp of my past. Another example of a life changing experience was when I started really being able to understand and comprehend larger books. In about fourth grade I started reading wonderful science fiction books. This world was Rich with other worldly characters and the thoughts of universes and other planets. This was another time when I took a step. At that time I possibly created another” stamp” with a new “voice” of its own. One more situation that stands out to me in regards to pulse and stamps.I will be taking a class at SCCC and hour after hour I will be letting my pulse beep away. Then suddenly a new concept or reading by the professor will spike my pulse and fill me with a type of “ah ha” moment or just a real jolt in my imagination and intelligence. A true learning and fascinating experience would personally consider this an example of “pulse” and a definite “stamp” on my life. Like The first time you find out something you never thought possible or were not exposed to in your environment. (E.g. All humans come from central Africa or there is a god particle). In conclusion Welty’s example s of Pulse, stamps and “the voice” are fascinating believe though that her statements and beliefs of her own experience of these creations are highly interpretable by the reader.You really must define these topics out for yourself then compare them with Welty’s rich opinions and shared experiences’ believe if you do both those things it will increase your scope and continue to open our minds. Thanks to Welty’s wonderful writing of “One Writers beginning “We can rest assure that interpretation of reading and imagination is in on going personal process.
Analysis of Vladimir Nabokov’s “Good Readers and Good Writers”, p. 571 in The Norton Reader, Shorter Edition
Analysis of Eudora Welty’s “One Writer’s Beginnings”, p. 565 of The Norton Reader, Shorter Edition.