Nowadays, technology has reached its highest level and is in the phase of developing more with the new innovations. Innovations that helps a lot of people to have a more convenient way to do enormous job to be done in a short period of time.
Almost public high schools like Bernardo Lirio Memorial National High School (BLMNHS) are still handling their student record by means of using file document in a manual manner. The grades of the student are computed and recorded manually which it took time for the teachers to be done. Especially when a high school’s population increases annually, the ease of data handling needs more effort to taken care off. The manual saving of files in BLMNHS needs more file cabinets in order to save their school records. There are cases that some files are being lost and never been find or have been misplaced. There are also incidents that teachers are having mistakes in writing their student grades and records and they have to make a way to reedit the data and give them a lot of time and effort.
As one of the first web-based of information system in computer technology in education, Online Student Information System (OLSIS) is made for educational establishment to manage student data. It is a database controlling student records, information, schedules, subjects, and grades. Information System (IS) helps users to become instructive, which means making it easy for them to organize, analyze, search and use old information to create new ones. As an order, it focuses on exploring the interface between Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS). Computer Science (CS) focuses on information technology which is a software development. While Information Technology (IT) is involved with the manipulation, storage of data and information, and management of computer systems with companies, universities, and other organizations.
The developers chose Bernardo Lirio Memorial National High School (BLMNHS) as
Bibliography: 1. Josh Long, (2013) I Don’t Speak Your Laguage: Frontend vs. Backend. Available <> (Access on February 10, 2014) 2 3. Charles M. Kozierok. The TCP/IP Guide. No Starch Press, 2005 4 5. Glenford J. Myres, Art of Software Testing.Second Edition.John Wiley & Sons Inc, New Jersey, 2004. 6. Margaret Rouse, (2005). Java Script, Available at address: (Access on June 30, 2013) 7 8. Margaret Rouse, (2005).Text Editor, Available at address: 9 10. Shellenbarger.Online Grading System, United States of America, 2012 11 12. Aycard. Online Submission of Grades of the Faculty to the Registrar and the Online Viewing of Student’s Grades, 2012 13 14. Del Mundo.Student Information System of Southgate Institute of Malvar, 2012 Appendices