PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. (This will cover 30% of your final term grade.) 1. The proponents must design, develop a web-based quiz created in PHP. Features of the website include:
All quiz takers must register or create a profile first using a database in MySQL. Fields include: user id, last name, first name, middle name, course, year level, subject, section, address, contact number, username, and password.
Other tables (like questions data) may be used or created.
Quiz takers will use their username and password to login and take the quiz.
The questions must at least be 20 items with topics on PHP and MySQL.
Upon login, they can take the quiz and see their score after. Display of score includes the raw score and its equivalent percentage.
Using the database, quiz takers can register, view, search, and edit their data.
A report on the summary of quiz takers and their scores must be displayed. (For admin access only. See access levels below.)
2. The proponents must present their systems in a group of a maximum of 5 members..
3. Other features: provides user-friendly interface create your own home page validation on all fields is required, meaning users can not have erroneous inputs
Ease of use. System must be very easy to use. The user interface is clean and natural even to beginners.
Other additional features or display may or may not be included like: display of correct answers, total wrong and right answers, etc.
Administrator can add questions to the quiz.
4. Access levels:
Administrator – all access to features like, viewing of the report of all quiz takers and their scores, add/register/edit/search users, and all other pertinent roles or rights.
Quiz takers (users) - can register, view, edit their profiles. They can see the score after taking the quiz.
5. Use the format below for your documentation. Use short bond paper.
6. Presentation will be on the week before the Final