How does online learning stack up when compared to traditional learning? Have you ever had the opportunity to take online classes? If you haven’t, you are missing out on a great opportunity. The Internet has created a revolution in every area of modern life. Education is no exception, and now there are not only traditional classes as we usually learn but also online classes. Do online learners learn as well as those in traditional classrooms? Despite sharing some superficial similarities, the differences between a traditional class and an online class are also remarkable in terms of learning process, scheduling and communication.
Learning process is the first aspect that differs online class from traditional class; nevertheless they are similar in terms of way in accessing for information and reaching to same platform to access for information. The learning process of online class basically relies on the computer and Internet. It frequently schedules real-time discussion sections among participants by either voice or text chat. One online learning environment has created a virtual campus within the environment of Second Life, where student avatars interact with one another, moreover, some independent traditional courses are similar to online courses in that students pace themselves and submit assignments on their own schedules, either by drop box or sometimes by email, so search and type is the most activity in online classes. For traditional class, students would need to go to brick-and-mortar learning institution for pursuing their studies which is mostly done through book-approach. Teachers explain materials to students by using marker or chalk on the white/blackboard and students reply by handing and speaking directly. So listen and turning up in the classroom are the most activities in traditional learning.
Scheduling is another most important aspect that differs online classes from traditional learning. In distance
Cited: Tucker, K. (n.d.). Similarities Between Taking Classes Online and on Campus. Retrieved June 28, 2015, from globalpost: Diaz, D.P., Cartnal, R.B. (1999). Online Distance Learning and Equivalent On-Campus.Students ' Learning Styles in Two Classes. College Teaching, 47(4), 130-135.Retrieved June 28, 2015, from