When someone say a possible world they mean as hypothetical situation. It is generally a way for philosophers to test an idea to see if it is logically by asking could it exists in a possible world like our own.Three ways entities are defined in ontological argument are impossible it’s an entity that exists in no possible worlds, contingent an entity that exists in some possible worlds. God is defined as a maximally great being which means love,wisdom, and power. The lesser making properties are imperfection corruption. Implies means omnipotent is defined able to do logically impossible. Omnipotent means almighty in power, it doesn’t mean the ability to do everything. You cannot use logically absurdities to disprove god, especially in modal logic. Logical problem of evil, reverse ontological argument.
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It is possible that god maximally great being exists.Omnipotence paradot implies defined able to do logically impossible.
As plantinga teaches just because god permits evil, that doesn’t mean there aren’t mean there aren’t any good reasons for it. It may very well be less benevolent for god to deny us freedom than to prevent moral evil. To deny the possibility of god existence you would have to be omniscient. In modal logic a property that is impossible will entail its opposite. If maximal greatness is impossible then all things must negate maximal greatness. If perfection is logically absurd then we cannot adequately defines things like evil,hate,ignorance. God's moral perfection which means evil is perversion of good. The overall thing is that the triune of god