ill now be addressing the existing solutions and explaining to you the aims of our project, witness to life.
The problem of the choice of abortion over adoption has been increasingly predominant over the years. to counter this,there are a number of existing solutions that focus on providing help to pregnant teens. support organizations such as, a teen pregnancy crisis website focuses mainly on providing adequate services and aid to pregnant teens. this would lighten the burdens felt by pregnant teens influencing them to choose other options rather than abortion
another measure is the Termination of Pregnancy Act, an ongoing legislation implemented by the government that aims to persuade pregnant women and teens , from choosing abortion.
the Act, mandates that pregnant women and girls under the age of 16, attend pre-abortion counseling sessions where they are educated on and are shown videos on abortion. after which, they will have to choose between abortion or to go through with their pregnancy .
if they choose to keep the baby, organizations like Babes will thrn come in as they provide lodging, medical and legal aid, and guides on adoption that will help these women lead normal lives and help them to slowly integrate them back into society.
however, while these solutions provide the much needed support and help toward pregnant teenagers in Singapore, it does not foster greater acceptance of the choice of adoption for pregnant teens. Aims: can I have a show of hands - how many of you know anything about adoption in Singapore???
it seems that a majority of you do not know much about adoption, therefore, our aim for this project, first and foremost, would be to raise greater awareness and shed a more positive light on adoption. thereby, reducing the negative perceptions of the public on adoption in Singapore.
Firstly, we have to convince the pregnant