Gun control generally is considered laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, and use of firearms. High rates of homicides by way of firearms is the main reason why government officials are pushing for harder gun control measures. When you see news reports of school shootings such as Sandy Hook or Columbine, or the ridiculously number of high homicides by firearms, one can see why Congressional and government leaders are trying enact policies that limit gun control throughout the United States. States have various restrictions on the purchase, transportation, and possession of specific firearms. Federal law has made certain types of arms subject to special licenses and others illegal outright. Firearms that are illegal under Federal law cannot be legal under State law. Unfortunately, federal officials can’t come up with any uniform federal laws regarding gun control and therefore it falls on the states. Basically federal officials give an unfunded mandate for states to enact gun control measures. Congressional leaders with this mandate won’t give any money to fund these new measures throughout each state.…
In a cartoon entitled, “Dangerous Weapon” Cartoonist Ed Stein depicts a man wearing a hoody armed with two revolvers, two semi-auto pistols, an assault rifle, a scoped rifle, and an RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade),as well as a police officer is also asking the man if he has a permit for the hoody. Stein’s cartoon is conveying the message that gun laws are not strict enough by jokingly stating that they are not there at all. The United States does not have one given policy for the restriction of guns, which means individual cities, counties, and states have their own laws. This makes it difficult to see how affective different gun restrictions are. Restrictions on guns are necessary for limiting the accessibility of guns to irresponsible individuals, but too many restrictions limit the accessibility to those that are responsible; additionally, the way the restrictions are worded affect the correct prevention of gun misuse.…
The new Open Carry law in Texas has created a lot of heat recently. This law allows previses owners of the concealed handgun license (CHL) to now freely display their weapon at the side of their hip or shoulder as long as it is inside a holster. In order to actually be able to openly carry a handgun in Texas you must: be at least twenty-one years of age, have a clean criminal and psychological record, and also complete the classroom training; while passing a shooting test. So imagine walking down your neighborhood or public park and seeing someone with a loaded handgun at the side of their hip. This may be concerning for some citizens because they do not know if this is someone whom will go buck-wild and open fire at anyone in their crosshair or they could be the only person whose lead encouragement will protect your very life. This law has complete support from the peculiar views of the second amendment, yet still has a copious amount of combined restrictions for the: gun owners, businesses, non-gun owners, and even the police. Texas has allowed its citizens to carry a concealed handgun for over twenty years; you have probably encountered a countless number of civilians with a concealed weapon and never realized it. So while open carry may be fairly new to being revitalized in Texas, it…
The federal Government is over the one that would have to change the overall laws and regulations but each individual state has the right to set their own gun laws as long as they still comply with the federal government. California for example has had many of these laws that are trying to be passed currently such as the ban of 30 round assault rifle magazines and require that the rifles have a bullet button which makes the rifle reloading a lengthier process. So in the long run the States and fed’s sometime work together and other times wont.…
Open carry allows individuals to openly carry firearms without of the need of a permit, some states require a permit or…
The young woman in the story above was not harmed because she had a conceal and carry license and was able to defend herself without actually harming anyone. A conceal and carry license allows an individual to carry and use a licensed handgun in many locations, including a vehicle. Conceal and carry has been and will continue to be a heated debated among many individuals. While there are many pros and cons, having the right to carry a concealed handgun is a great way to protect oneself and even save a life.…
Americans that support strict weapon control have achieved the conclusion that this change guarantees the benefit of the states to claim guns. Firearm control laws specifically damage this privilege and accordingly should not be under thought. Regardless of the possibility that the issue is ignored, weapon control advocates express that with a specific end goal to diminish gun related viciousness, firearm control laws must be executed to expel the savagery created by guns. In spite of the fact that this may appear to be sensible, the outcomes of such laws are unexpectedly counterproductive; they worsen the issue as opposed to settling it. Other than the way that the Constitution ensures its residents the privilege to remain battle ready, possibly…
When carrying a concealed weapon into a place of employment there are numerous issues that have been raised regarding the safety of the situation. Does the carrier create a hostile environment for their co-workers, or does the carrier’s possession pose a chance to disrupt the safety for the workplace staff. These are fair questions that should be addressed when considering concealed carry on the job. These are questions to consider but not reasons to violate a person’s right to bear arms. Rather than banning concealed carry, there are measures that can be taken to alleviate possible issues concerning the usage of concealed carry in the workplace, and even help to make other citizens aware of the concealed carry laws, and even help to make them comfortable with dealing with guns. Therefore it would be more beneficial for companies to raise awareness to the concealed carry, offer training, and implement company policies and procedures, making concealed carry a beneficial part of their company rather than approaching it from a negative perspective.…
Official’s authorities are trying to avoid and find solutions to prevent future attacks. Which have occurred in Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University. The Second Amendment states the right to keep and bear arms, but as Dickerson mentions that it’s a policy of debate. According to the Second Amendment, it’s subject to reasonable restrictions. Such as, banning guns on campus ground. Moreover, studies have reflected that students against students are most commonly perpetrating violence on campus. IACLEA’S believes “ Concealed carry initiatives do not make campuses safer” (Dickerson). Burnett argues, students and teachers have the right to defend themselves. The law states that anyone with a gun license has the right to carry a concealed…
Twenty-nine states can openly carry a firearm without a permit or license, 15 states require a permit or license to open carry depending on the firearm, and four states prohibit open carry completely. So many gun laws have been passed, that congress felt would…
Up to what extent would you go for protection? Many colleges and universities have to come to a controversial argument on whether guns should be allowed on campus. The Students for Gun Free Schools (SGFS) is one of two organizations who is involved in this controversial argument. The SGFS is against the idea of students carrying guns on campus because they believe, as stated in their motto, they are “armed with knowledge, not guns!” (Kirszner and Mandell 633). The other organization is the Students for Concealed Carry (SCC). The SCC is pro-gun concealed carry organization that formed because of the unforgettable and horrendous incidents that have happened in the past years. The idea of guns on campus should not be tolerated because it may cause more collateral damage since the shooters won’t have enough experience, it can cause an interruption and distraction in everyone’s college education, and more permits would be more accessible to non-law abiding citizens.…
what's more, New York City which have strict firearm control laws? Also, why are wrongdoing rates dropping in states, for example, Florida where private responsibility for is energized? Essentially expressed, lawful responsibility for weapon does not bring about wrongdoing. The latest endeavors of the weapon control anteroom has been to claim that specific sorts of firearms and ammo are inalienably insidious. They allocate passionate catchphrases, for example, "ambush weapons" and "cop executioner slugs" to general classifications of guns and ammo in the trusts that individuals will trust that a few firearms have a malicious nature. A great many people who are new to guns don't…
The Second Amendment has made it possible for citizens to have a right to bear arms and protect themselves. Guns laws from state to state have been debatable on the lower and high levels of congress. Guns laws are put into place to regulate the use, ownership, and, transport, and firearms accessories. Gun laws are regulated by the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). Guns laws will interfere with workplace and public safety at any time firearms are present. Some organizations forbid employees from carrying firearms on their property or in their parking garages of the organizations. A number of other states (including Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, Wisconsin)…
Concealed carry is the right to carry a handgun or other weapon in a concealed manner and the current concealed weapon laws vary from state to state. Carrying-concealed-weapons (CCW) laws have nothing to do with private firearms ownership in the home. They relate solely to allowing individuals to carry their concealed guns almost anywhere in the community. Currently, 48 U.S. states have some form of concealed weapon law. In 39 of these states, issuing officials may not arbitrarily deny a permit application if the applicant has no criminal background and some states require a very minimal training program. These types of laws have come to be known as "shall issues" and they must be abolished. In two states, Vermont and Alaska, the "shall issue" laws are so weak that any non-felon who has reached the age of 16 or 21 respectively can carry a concealed weapon without a permit or training of any kind.…
States are allowed to govern their own land with regard to gun control. For example,…