Prejudice in the United States has been a problem for many many years; especially toward black people. One reason for prejudice toward black people is the negative stereotyping that has developing throughout the years. Francis Flynn conducted a study to support the prediction of how the Openness to Experience theory affects the interracial attitudes. Flynn predicted that those individuals who scored relatively …show more content…
higher on the Openness to Experiences test are more open minded and are less prejudice toward black people and the individual who scored lowered were more likely prejudice and aren't willing to change. The method that was uses to conduct this prediction was the experimental study.
Seventy eight white students from Columbia University volunteered in this study and they were paid $5 for 20 minutes for their time. Each partipant had to complete an anonymous web based survey on the computer. The first assessment had to do with the Openness to Experience theory. This was measured by using 10 items that was taken form the Big Five Inventory. Sample items from the list is, "Likes to reflect, play with ideas," and "Is ingenious, a deep thinker." Each item was measured on a 5 point scale ranging from characteristic to uncharacteristic. In the second assessment the white participates were ask to take a questionnaire about social and political attitudes. He called this assessment the explicit racial attitudes. The modern Racism, Pro-Black and the Discrimination and Diversity Scale were used to explicit racial attitudes. An example of one of these scales that was used includes "It is easy it understand the anger of Black people in America". The participants had to respond to each item on a 5 point scale ranging form strongly agree. The last assessment was the effect of social desirability. The participants had to respond to sensitive items about racial attitudes. This test had 10 true and false questions that were to measure the individual's tendency to make him or her look good or
bad. Flynn, predictions was correct, after rating the participants on each assessment. His suggestion was correct that the more openly the white participants were, the less prejudice they seem to be toward black people. Unfortunately, the assessment for racial attitude may not been reliable because people tend to be reluctantly to express each attitude openly. I think this article made some valid points. It seems over the last few decades white people have gradually change their views of black people. It seems to be more positive than previous years but there are not exactly meaniful changes to affect the stereotypes. This study can't put all white perceivers in the same category because all of them do not think alike. Some perceivers may be willing to give racial minorities a chance despite the negative stereotypes.