Two cognitive factors include victim blaming and conformation bias. Two social factors include; Cognitive factors Victim blaming. This refers to a situation where a crime occurs and the media and/or society portray invalid evidence to blame to the victim of a wrongful act and to say they have “inflicted harm on themselves”. According to Amel Ahmed, a writer for Aljazeera America, young Michael Brown was shot by police for stealing a box of cigars from a supermarket. Many people were shocked and horrified by police misuse of their weapon in this situation. Unfortunately, a few individuals used phrases such as “he deserved it” for defending the police officers behavior. This is an example of Victim blaming in today’s society. Michael Brown’s death is unjustified and an individual attempted to accuse Michael of false evidence such as, saying he was looking at the camera in the store and was making gestures similar to gang signs. Victim- blamers often use small or irrelevant evidence such as this to manipulate the situation into justifying what the criminals (Police) have
Two cognitive factors include victim blaming and conformation bias. Two social factors include; Cognitive factors Victim blaming. This refers to a situation where a crime occurs and the media and/or society portray invalid evidence to blame to the victim of a wrongful act and to say they have “inflicted harm on themselves”. According to Amel Ahmed, a writer for Aljazeera America, young Michael Brown was shot by police for stealing a box of cigars from a supermarket. Many people were shocked and horrified by police misuse of their weapon in this situation. Unfortunately, a few individuals used phrases such as “he deserved it” for defending the police officers behavior. This is an example of Victim blaming in today’s society. Michael Brown’s death is unjustified and an individual attempted to accuse Michael of false evidence such as, saying he was looking at the camera in the store and was making gestures similar to gang signs. Victim- blamers often use small or irrelevant evidence such as this to manipulate the situation into justifying what the criminals (Police) have