Katarína Kopúnová, Natália Pavkovová, Dino Zdilar katarina.kopunova@vsm-student.sk, natalia.pavkovova@vsm-student.sk, dino.zdilar@vsm-student.sk BSC 405 Operations Management Johan Winbladh Operations Improvement Plan February 13, 2013 Executive Summary Making mistakes is unavoidable features of human beings. But what if one mistake is repeated for the second time and it is such an error that cost human lives? Construction company Bögl & Krýsl is recently facing this issue. Only few years after the bridge built by this company collapsed in Czech Republic, another one in Slovakia fell down. In both of the cases either workers or by-passers died. Witnessing these tragedies, public started questioning processes and overall operation of the company. Resulting from the closer look at the company background and procedures it is visible that there are faults that need to be corrected in order to improve company´s future operations and existence. Massive outsourcing and cost elimination together with lack of control and supervision are probably the most crucial issues in the case. In order to improve current situation in Bögl & Krýsl several techniques can be used. However, two of them seem most fit and efficient right now. At the beginning proper project management must be transformed and reengineered to improve processes and techniques of the company. Secondly, it would be beneficial to improve planning and control by usage of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle that might help company to eliminate mistakes and increase proficiency in terms of operations. After implementation of these techniques, company can provide
References: Bögl a Krýsl, k.s. (n.d.). Retrieved February 9, 2013, from http://www.zsps.sk/web/index.php? option=com_content&view=article&id=437:boegl-a-krysl-ks-poboka&catid=106:profily-clenskych-firiem&Itemid=281 Larson, E. W. & Gray, C. F. (2010). Project Management: The Managerial Process (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Morháčová, J. (November 8, 2012). Tragédia pri výstavbe diaľnic. [Highway Construction Tragedy]. Trend, November 2012, 8. Prejavila sa nízka cena? Na úseku mosta smrti ušetrili 37%. [Low Cost in Charge? 37% Savings at Bridge of the Death Construction]. (November 4, 2012). Retrieved from http://www .cas.sk/clanok/235744/prejavila-sa-nizka-cena-na-useku-mosta-smrti-usetrili-37.html Spadnutý most na Spiši: Firmu Bögl & Krýsl súdia aj z nešťastia v Česku. [Bridge Collapse in Spis Region: The Company Bögl & Krýsl Accused Also Of Tragedy in Czech Republic] (November 2, 2012). Retrieved February 10, 2013 from http://www.pluska.sk/krimi /domace-krimi/spadnuty-most-spisi-firmu-bogl-krysl-sudia-aj-z-nestastia-cesku.html Společnost Bögl a Krýsl, k.s. [The company Bögl a Krýsl, k.s. ]. (2013). Retrieved February 9, 2013, from http://www.boegl-krysl.cz/profil-spolecnosti