Nowadays, new products/services are launched at an increasing rate. Therefore, innovation management has gained in importance, with the objective of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of new product development. Conceptual models that describe the progress and commercialization of new products are an essential element of innovating management (Herstatt, 2002). Thus, Stage-Gate System is the new tool for managing new products in the market. It is both a conceptual and an operational model for moving the new product/service from idea to launch.
The original Stage- Gate system was created in the 80s, based in a very deep study of successful entrepreneurs within major corporations as they drove successful new products to market. Though, Stage-Gate has evolved and in-corporate many new practices, over years (Cooper, 2014). And in this assessment will be discussed and applied the Stage- Gate model (Cooper, 1990), in a new product idea of bread with olives (OLIVIA).
Stage-gate systems form one solution to what ails many firms’ new product programs. The desire to develop and launch new product/services is obvious. In that term, firms look to new products/businesses that have potential of a sustainable growth, and competitive advantage. Basically, the Cooper’s …show more content…
Based on the fact that Campus Store is operated by Perrotis students and that they have been upgrading the store’s services, and promoting sales to a wider audience. The AFS zone it is quite big and populated by people, high school students, and college students. In addition there is targeted the whole division of costumers, starting from the kids, parents, young people and the elderly