Tony Curtis Opium is an addictive drug made from poppy plants. It is used both for a narcotic and medicinal uses as an analgesic to reduce pain without loss of consciousness. Opium contains morphine, codeine, noscapine, papaverine and thebaine. The psychological effects of opium have been known since circa 4,000 B.C. by the ancient Sumerians who used symbols such as ‘joy’ for poppy. In the 17th century opium use in China grew based on the introduction of tobacco smoking in pipes by the Dutch. The Chinese would mix Indian opium with the tobacco, both in which were being traded by the Dutch. By the late 18th century opium was heavily being used as a recreational drug in China. In 1942 the US passed the Opium Poppy control act. It states that: It shall be unlawful for any person who is not the holder of a license authorizing him to produce the opium poppy, duly issued to him by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the provisions of this Act, to produce the opium poppy, or to permit the production of the opium poppy in or upon any place owned, occupied, used, or controlled by him.
This did not sit well with many farmers in the United States. The act was vague and eventually led to the Poppy Rebellion. One of the main arguments during this rebellion was that the federal government had no intention of giving permits to any farmers to grow poppy on their own property. It also violated state laws of Washington and Oregon. Anyone without a permit to grow opium would be arrested and their crops would be destroyed. The Opium Poppy control act of 1942 was repealed in 1970 on October 27. To the help of a different species of poppy, it was logical to repeal the law. The different species of poppy was one without morphine. All of the opium farms are now government regulated in India, Turkey and Tasmania, Australia. The popule illegal growing areas are in the Mainland Southeast Asia, Laos, Thailand,