The very famous economic saying “There is no such thing as free lunch”, popularized by the economist Milton Friedman, brings the concept of opportunity cost. It shows that every choice has a cost; something will need to be given up or sacrificed to get something else. In the quote, for example, no money was paid for the meal, but the time to eat the meal is the pay. This leads to the fact that analyzing the costs and benefits of going to college is an essential part of the decision-making process – understanding what sacrifices will need to be made and how much effort will need be put into practice leads to a clarified idea of what taking this step means in person’s
The very famous economic saying “There is no such thing as free lunch”, popularized by the economist Milton Friedman, brings the concept of opportunity cost. It shows that every choice has a cost; something will need to be given up or sacrificed to get something else. In the quote, for example, no money was paid for the meal, but the time to eat the meal is the pay. This leads to the fact that analyzing the costs and benefits of going to college is an essential part of the decision-making process – understanding what sacrifices will need to be made and how much effort will need be put into practice leads to a clarified idea of what taking this step means in person’s