Oprah Winfrey once said,
“The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.
(Oprah Winfrey Quotes, n.d). In other words,
Oprah believes fame isn’t the main idea of achieving a dream, but rather than the experience and the satisfaction you get will guide to an outstanding purpose. Oprah
Winfrey is one of the greatest b illionaires wellknown for hosting her own globally talk show
(Oprah Biography 2015).
From 1986 to 2011, Oprah Winfrey became the most influential woman in the United States because of her successful achievements
(Oprah Biography,2015).
Leadership, optimism, and charity are the three reasons …show more content…
By being determined and confident shows how Winfrey is a leader to me. From poverty to wealth, Oprah suffered her childhood but responded generously. Oprah’s dignity as hero ,whose heart is filled with optimism for the future of the society. From her experiences in poverty has made her become the person she is today. She says “I’ve always felt that life is sweeter when you share”(
Paprocki,2006, p3)
In other words, life is great when you help others. On Dec 8, 2002 In Durban, South
Africa, Winfrey gifted children with clothing, shelter, school materials, and games. Many children who were orphans had lost their parents at a young age because of AIDS
Paprocki,2006, p2) Oprah feels the need to help others when they’re in need.
Leadership Academy for Girls is one of the schools that Oprah built in Gauteng
Province along with Nelson Mandela who was the leader of South Africa. Leadership
Academy for Girls is a 22 Acre boarding school for South African girls who are gifted and presented leadership skills …show more content…
Oprah persuaded viewers on her talk show to make donations to her
charity work to help with larger projects like education, clothing, shelter, toys and health.
Oprah has made a difference by helping those in need . Without Oprah, our world wouldn’t be as strong as it is today.
After researching, Oprah Winfrey is a good influence, a positive believer and a generous person. From her experiences in the past , it has made her become the person she is today. She learns that giving others is a positive reinforcer. She spoke out and encourages the audience to give kindness as their greatest gift.
Oprah Winfrey is my hero because she inspires me to help others while I can. I want to help people as well,even if it something small. For example giving money to homeless people or buying school supplies for children. I think it’s a great progress to start with. I might not be a famous TV host or a actress, but I can sure help the community by giving back. If one person can make a difference in peoples live, others can too. With everyone’s help by doing small things can make a difference in our