He was more than patient and allowed his job to take its course and let his abilities prove themselves to his supiors. No matter his curcumstances of Gardners financial state he continued to push forwad and succeed in his career. Living paycheck to paycheck caused Chris to have an extreme amount of debt. Some would say the life that he lived was as bad as it could get especially when it came down to provideing for his family. When Chris could no longer provide the unbearable stress ripped the family apart. Even with all of the hardship in Chris’ he managed to keep good habits such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and thinking win-win. These may seem familar because in Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, the habits everyone should developed are expressed and Chris
He was more than patient and allowed his job to take its course and let his abilities prove themselves to his supiors. No matter his curcumstances of Gardners financial state he continued to push forwad and succeed in his career. Living paycheck to paycheck caused Chris to have an extreme amount of debt. Some would say the life that he lived was as bad as it could get especially when it came down to provideing for his family. When Chris could no longer provide the unbearable stress ripped the family apart. Even with all of the hardship in Chris’ he managed to keep good habits such as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and thinking win-win. These may seem familar because in Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, the habits everyone should developed are expressed and Chris