|A common refrain among executives is “People are our most important asset.” Relate this statement to any two of the four perspectives of organizational effectiveness |
|presented ion this chapter. Does this statement apply better to some perspectives than to others? Why or why not? |
|Click For Answer |
|Answer 4 |
|This is an open discussion question because the statement can relate to all four perspectives of organizational effectiveness. |
| Open systems probably the least focus on employees of the four perspectives. People represent the internal subsystems of organizations, so are vital in that respect.|
|Some employees are also “boundary spanners” in that they link the organization to the external environment. |
| Organizational learning these perspective views employees as reasonably important because they hold a large portion of intellectual capital (human capital and |
|possibly some forms of relationship capital). People bring knowledge into the organization and are largely responsible for sharing that knowledge. Knowledge use is |
|also ultimately a human endeavor. |
| High performance work practices arguably the perspective that views people (employees) as the most critical resource.