Kelley Paul
May 26, 2014 Tuesday
Session: 50432
A distillation experiment was performed in attempt to separate two miscible fluids.This experiment used fractional distillation to separate ethanol from the azeotropic mixture of ethanol and water. The initial composition of the solution did not matter because the goal of the experiment was to distill the ethanol-water solution and obtain 95% ethanol in the distilled fraction. The percentage composition is obtained by the calculated density of distilled product. The azeotropicmixture was separated using a fractional distillation apparatus. The apparatus contained a fractional distillation column with acopper sponge; this was used to capture the water vapor to repeat the simple distillation process, this method yield 88% of ethanol. This form of distillation was shown to be effective in distilling a mixture with similar boiling points.
Fractional distillation apparatus can distill ethanol composed of any amount of water up to 95% in content by density. For this reason the mixture composition of ethanol and water does not matter; the mixture acts as a pure substance boiling together at the same temperature. This makes Fractional distillation the idea method for separating the two substances. Fractional distillation can separate solutions of two different liquids with very similar boiling points. Pure ethanol and any ethanol-water mixture have a difference in boiling point of 0.3°C. This difference in temperature is not significant enough to effectively separate ethanol from the mixture. The simple process of distillation is only effective if the difference between the two molecules boiling point is significant. For this reason factional distillation was used. The boiling point of the individual compounds in the ethanol-water solution was 78.2°C for ethanol and 100°C for water. The solution has a boiling point of 78.5°C.