Healthcare managers, like all managers in other industries, are responsible for effectively using the material, financial, information, and human re- sources of their organizations to deliver services.
Manager’s role requires a wide range of both technical and interpersonal skills. Leadership, motivation, managing healthcare professionals, and teamwork are some of the most important interpersonal skills of a manager.
Human cognition (or thinking) provides valuable insight about communication skills and organizational behavior to help future healthcare managers understand human behavior at work.
It will help appreciate how the science of organizational behavior and management thinking can be used to work with others in a way that leads to beneficial outcomes for both people and organizations.
Organizational behaviour is a broad area of management that studies how people act in organizations. Managers can use theories and knowledge of organizational behavior to improve management practices for effectively working with and influencing employees to attain organization goals. The field of organizational behavior has evolved from the scientific study of management during the industrial era, administrative theories of the man- ager’s role, principles of bureaucracy, and human relations studies of employees’ needs (Scott, 1992). Organizational behavior is an interdisci- plinary field that draws on the ideas and research of many disciplines that are concerned with human behavior and interaction. These include psy- chology, social psychology, industrial psychology, sociology, communications, and anthropology (Robbins, 2003). In this chapter, we will highlight ideas from cognitive psychology (the science of human thinking) and their extensions to organizational behavior.
The most successful organizations make the best use of their employees’ talents