Organizational Conflict: The three views
Organizational Conflict: The three views
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Organizational conflict is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and those individuals and groups affected. There are disputes over how revenues should be divided, how the work should be done, and how long and hard people should work. There are jurisdictional disagreements among individuals, departments, and between unions and management. There are subtler forms of conflict involving rivalries, jealousies, personality clashes, role definitions, and struggles for power and favor. There is also conflict within individuals between competing needs and demands to which individuals respond in different ways.
Traditional view of conflict is the belief that all conflict is harmful and must be avioded.
According to Robbins and Judge in the , Organizational Behavior,2009 states that “ The view that all conflict is bad certainly offers a simple approach to looking at the behavior of people who create conflict”. Human relations view of conflict is the belief that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group. According to Robbins and Judge in the Organizational Behavior , 2009 states that “ Proponents rationalized its existence: It cannot be eliminated, and there are even times when conflict may benefit a group’s performance”. Interactionist view of conflict is the belief that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is also an absolute necessity for a group to perform effectively. According to Robbins and Judge in the Organizational Behavior , 2009 “ The major contribution of the interactionist view, therefore, is encouraging group leaders to
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maintain an ongoing mimimum level of conflict-enough to keep