Governmental organizations:
• Amt für Soziale Dienste (Office of Social Services)
Is a governmental association that provides financial aid and support for parents.
• Jugendamt (Youth Welfare Office)
The german Jugendamt is an advisory council for children and families. The targeted manner Consultation is provided by counseling parents in all situations for an effective participation in their social and professional life. Educative talks as well as extended childcare can be required if needed and the responsible administrative authorities have to provide the help and bear the costs for such assistance. The expenditure of public funds is also managed by this administrative authority.
• Unterhalt für Minderjährige (child support)
Child support is a fundamental right of every underage child, the “Amt für Soziale Dienste” helps organize the conditions for exercising a claim for alternative child support and provides the financial support if a parent is unable to.
• Elterngeld (parental benefits)
Parental benefits is an allowance for those who look after their child themselves after giving birth and can be funded up to twelve months. Additional conditions are that the child must live in the same household as the parent, the country of residence should be Germany and if working part time 30 hours a week must not be exceeded.
• Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency)
The „Bundesagentur für Arbeit“ is a governmental association and is the labour markets biggest service provider, that assists the public as a job centre, as well as the so called “Familienkasse” which finances child benefits (Kindergeld).
• Kindergeld (child benefits)
Child benefit is provided by the “Family Benefits Office” (Familienkasse) and is granted for all children until the age of 18, if the child is over 18 and still in education (school, trainee program, university), you are entitled to receive payments up to the age of 25.
• Job