E1/E2- Five pieces of current legislation are, Children Act 2004, Human Rights Act 2000, UNCRC 1998, Equality Act 2006 and Protection of data act 1999. Children Act 2004 states that the interests of children and young people are better in all considerations of welfare and safeguarding and that safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility. This is because safegaurding can only be achieved by building up a range of outcomes for children and young people, which include their health, education and growth and also safety. (0]>). This will influence working practice in the setting because the Children Act 2004 makes sure that each setting has policies and procedures, such as multiagencies, this gives children more support within the setting and prevents anything happening to them because lots of agencies come together and work more effectively. Human Rights Act 2000 is all about, having the right to dignity, respect and fairness in the way they are treated. This is to make sure that no setting is able to use corporal punishment even if a parent allows it. This is because it is seen as degrading and breaking the law of Childs Rights. The Human Rights Act means that the parents of children are also pretected. (Penny Tassoni, childcare and education page 115) This will influence working practice in the setting because the Human Rights Act makes sure that no child is felt left out and is resepcted by the practitioner and also is treated fairly throughout there peers, this is because if a child is left out they will feel like they are different and thismakes them feel isolated and unincluded within the setting. UNCRC 1998, this policy was drawn up in 1989 and gives children and young people under the age of 18 years their own special rights. A few of the special rights are, Reinforces the importance of fundermental human dignity, highlights and defends the familys role in childrens lives, seeks respect for
E1/E2- Five pieces of current legislation are, Children Act 2004, Human Rights Act 2000, UNCRC 1998, Equality Act 2006 and Protection of data act 1999. Children Act 2004 states that the interests of children and young people are better in all considerations of welfare and safeguarding and that safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility. This is because safegaurding can only be achieved by building up a range of outcomes for children and young people, which include their health, education and growth and also safety. (0]>). This will influence working practice in the setting because the Children Act 2004 makes sure that each setting has policies and procedures, such as multiagencies, this gives children more support within the setting and prevents anything happening to them because lots of agencies come together and work more effectively. Human Rights Act 2000 is all about, having the right to dignity, respect and fairness in the way they are treated. This is to make sure that no setting is able to use corporal punishment even if a parent allows it. This is because it is seen as degrading and breaking the law of Childs Rights. The Human Rights Act means that the parents of children are also pretected. (Penny Tassoni, childcare and education page 115) This will influence working practice in the setting because the Human Rights Act makes sure that no child is felt left out and is resepcted by the practitioner and also is treated fairly throughout there peers, this is because if a child is left out they will feel like they are different and thismakes them feel isolated and unincluded within the setting. UNCRC 1998, this policy was drawn up in 1989 and gives children and young people under the age of 18 years their own special rights. A few of the special rights are, Reinforces the importance of fundermental human dignity, highlights and defends the familys role in childrens lives, seeks respect for