3/28/13 10:32 AM
Rockefeller and Standard Oil (2)
Proliferation of organized crime caused by:
• Collapse of Soviet Union
• Explosion of global markets
Primary businesses
• Drugs
• Arms
• Human Trafficking – 3rd largest growing criminal industry o Article Handed out – On Test o 2 Components
Sex Trafficking o 1/3 of human trafficking resources come from craigslist
Globalization and nexus of terrorism, differences from org crime
• Terrorism is inherently an organization that destroys politics, organized crime nurtures and infiltrates politics. Terr subvert government, org crime wants to maintain and run a parallel organiztion
Where organized crime groups thrive
• Tri-border coiuntries – ability to cross, human trafficking, etc.
Al Queda
• Using La Comorra to forge documents
3 different types of traditional organized crime
• Sicilian
• La Comorra from Sp prisons
• L’Ndranga? Popular in Australia and Canada, origin in slums of Collabria, Italy
4 types
of terrorism
Criminal – profit, psychological gain
Ideological terrorism – effort to change political power. Mubarak in Egypt
Nationalistic terrorism – terr activity that supports the interest of an ethnic or
____ group EX Afghanistan
• State sponsored terrorism – state threaten to use violence internationally, N
Theories behind org crime
• Anomie – normlessness by Angle Durkheim. Robert Murton picked up on that theory. Break down his concept into GOALS and MEANS. 5 Categories of ppl o Conformity
o Innovation o Ritualism o Retreatism o Rebellion
Edwin Sutherland Theory of_____
• Close, intimate personal groups teach you mechanics and justification for criminal behavior
Shawn McCay
• Concentric circles, Zone 2 the Zone of transition, where most crim activity is identified Theory of Olin – theory of relative deprivation and differential opportunity
• 3 categories o Retreat o Conflict o Criminal