The effect different concentrations of sodium chloride has on red blood cells
Georgia Edgar
Teacher: Mrs McPherson
John Paul College
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The effect different concentrations of sodium chloride has on red blood cells
Georgia Edgar
Teacher: Mrs McPherson
John Paul College
Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Aim 3 Background 3 Hypothesis 4 Materials 5 Method 5 Results 6 Analysis of Results & Discussion 9 Conclusion 9 Recommendations 9 Bibliography 10 Appendices 11
The purpose of this investigation was to see the effects of different concentrations of saline solution on Red Blood Cells. When a Red Blood Cell is submersed in a high concentration of saline solution it will create a hypertonic environment and therefore cause the cell to rupture due to the process of osmosis. The methods used to collect data were observation and note taking. Overall the results proved the hypothesis correct with major findings being a higher concentration of salt causing a hypotonic environment and a low concentration. Recommendations included major changes to the materials and method which would allow quantities data to be collected as well.
This investigation was conducted to see the effects of different concentrations of saline solution on Red Blood Cells.
Blood is an extremely important bodily fluid that has a variety of functions including waste removal and oxygen distribution. Also known as the “river of life”, blood is pumped through the arteries, capillaries and veins by the heart and provides oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. (WebMD, 2010) It contains both a plasma and cellular portion both of which have extremely important roles. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood and makes up approximately 55% of this bodily fluid. (WebMD, 2010) It acts as both a substance for cells to float in and also dissolves important
Bibliography: Chemistry Daily. (2007, 04 1). Sodium Chloride. Retrieved 8 24, 2013, from Chemistry Daily: http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Sodium_chloride Chemistry daily is an aesthetically pleasing website with no bias Etomica. (unknown). Osmosis: background. Retrieved August 24, 2013, from Etomica: http://www.etomica.org/app/modules/sites/Osmosis_old/Background1.html Etomica is a website that was extremely useful for background research Gallik, A. b. (2011). Osmosis. Retrieved 8 24, 2013, from Cell Biology : http://cellbiologyolm.stevegallik.org/node/64 The organisation has a lot of informative information to do with osmosis Mcgill. (unknown). Blood Laboratory . Retrieved 8 24, 2013, from The McGill Physiology Virtual Lab: http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/physio/vlab/bloodlab/eryfrag1_n.htm This website was extremely useful in finding out information about Red Blood Cells WebMD. (2010). Heart Health Center. Retrieved August 24, 2013, from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/heart/anatomy-picture-of-blood Web MD is an extremely useful medical website with lots of up to date information regarding red blood cells