he knew and the guy was a gang member but my uncle did not know that he was a gang member. One day they were just relaxing outside my uncle's house and Juanito told him that he had hurt some people because he was a gang member and he just did not like it.
He also promised my uncle that they were not going to get caught because they have never got caught before. Juanito was a bad guy because of all the stuff he did like hurt people for no reason and my uncle was a good guy. His friend asked my uncle if he wanted to go hurt someone because of the fact that he did not like him. My uncle asked that if he was sure that they were going to get caught and Juanito said that they were not. My uncle was going to make a very bad choice if he accepted to go. My uncle accepted to go but he told him he was not going to do anything he was just going to see if there was any police coming. My uncle saw a couple of police cars coming so he told Juanito. Juanito got in his car and he just left my uncle right there where the incident happened. The cops got there right away and arrested my uncle. The cops arrested my uncle because he was friends with the guy that almost killed someone. They took him two jail for about two years and after he got out he said that he learned his lesson. The mistake he made was going with Juanito for Juanito to almost kill
someone. Even though he did not do anything they still arrested him for being there at the time and he was even taken to jail. That is why Otto Frank one said “ Good people and bad people have one thing in common. They both make mistakes”. My uncle was a good guy but he made one simple mistake and he was taken to jail for about two years and Juanito was a bad guy and he was never caught.