APA Annotated Bibliography Assignments
Purpose: To demonstrate your ability to (1) apply the three-step process to preparing and presenting a presentation, (2) conduct research in support of your recommendation, (3) organize your thoughts in a logical and appropriately formatted outline, (4) create an annotated reference list of at least five sources formatted according to the APA style manual (can be pulled from your CRR), (5) create slides that illustrate and reinforce the presentation’s concepts (but are not the presentation!), and (5) deliver a video presentation conversationally (without reading off notes or slides) that conveys clear ideas and provides the audience with ethical information on which to base a decision.
Type of Assignment and Weight: These assignments (the presentation [including your PowerPoint] and the outline with annotated APA bibliography) receive separate grades. The outline is worth 50 points and the presentation is worth 100 points.
Audience: The strategic management team of Posh Pastries.
Assignment: Now that you have completed your CRR and decided which country Posh Pastries should consider for expansion, management wants you to develop a 5-minute presentation recommending that country. When preparing your presentation, consider some of these topics (two or three at most—definitely not all): political climate/stability, geography and transportation, culture (including diet), economic situation, or other factors.
The Outline + Annotated APA Bibliography
Follow the guidelines in Chapter 12; however, I will provide you with the outline structure to use since the sample outlines in the text do not fit this assignment. Since the strategic management team invited the staff to present recommendations, the team expects and will be receptive to your presentation. Therefore, you can take the direct approach.
Given that the presentation is only five minutes, you’ll need to follow this