I. How Do Americans view Issues of Sex and Sexuality?
A. Sex and Gender
1. Sex (p.172)
a. Sex refers strictly to biological makeup. It refers to whether you have male or female reproductive organs.
b. Sex also refers to activities that lead to sexual gratification and the possibility of reproduction.
2. Gender (p.172)
a. Gender is the personal traits and position in society connected with being a male or female.
3. Gender identify (p.172-173)
a. Transgender refers to people whose gender identify or gender expression differs from that associated with their birth sex.
B. Sexual Orientation
1. Sexual Orientation (p.173)
a. It refers to “an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes.”
b. People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, including such actions as holding hands or kissing.
2. Three key categories of sexual orientation (p.173)
a. Heterosexual orientation refers to those who have emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of the opposite sex.
b. Homosexual (gay and lesbian) orientation refers to those who have emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of their own sex.
c. Bisexual orientation includes those who have emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to both men and women.
C. Race and sexual identify
1. Patricia Hill Collins (p.173)
a. She suggest that the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality negatively affects blacks in the united stated.
b. The stereotypes of black sexuality presented in music videos, songs, and films generally support racism and homophobia, resulting in negative outcomes not just for black homosexual but for all.
c. Researchers found that blacks are slightly more supportive of gay civil liberties, meaning they are more likely to accept issues such as gay marriage and/ or child rearing as well as laws that serve to protect gays from employment