When I apply massage, I try to affect the patient …show more content…
A skilled massage therapist will be able to palpate these knots and apply specific focussed techniques to break them down. This will allow the muscle to perform at its optimum level as well as allow an increased blood supply to the whole muscle and promote more effective removal of waste products.
As well as the normalisation of posture, regular massage treatment encourages increased circulation in the whole body. The massage therapist usually applies long flowing massage strokes in the direction of the muscle fibres. This compresses the tissue building up a 'bow wave' of compression that is moved longitudinally along the direction of the muscle. This encourages the flow of blood through the body as well as a generic stretch of the muscle fibres and surrounding tissues. This is especially important in individuals who have relatively inactive lifestyles.
Massage therapy is a very effective treatment for dealing with injury. In the short term after the injury, the massage therapist will help to reduce the amount of pain and discomfort by reducing the inflammation around the injured area. Following this, the massage therapist can design a plan of treatment and rehabilitation to promote faster recovery and ensure that the range of motion is not lost in the injured joint while it is