Safeguarding children and young people is key for all professionals who work in all settings where they have contact with children, more so children who could be more vulnerable than others such as a child who struggles with a physical or mental disability. All children need to feel safe and secure and confident that they are being taught or mentored by adults they can trust and as professionals we have a duty of care to ensure children are protected while in our care. It is of the upmost importance that the correct people, whether they are full time employees or volunteers are given CRB checks. All agencies involved with children (more so, vulnerable children and young people) must take practical measures to make certain that the risk of harm to children/young people’s wellbeing is minimised. In a school these will include a child’s physical safety and security both on site and on school trips, security whilst using the internet, staff awareness and training, monitoring and record keeping and partnership and involvement with other agencies. If there are concerns about a child/young person’s welfare then action should be taken and the appropriate agencies involved. As well as including these safeguarding measures in school policies and procedures pupils should also be encouraged to think about safety both when they are in the learning environment and off site, so that they develop their own awareness of acceptable and unacceptable
Safeguarding children and young people is key for all professionals who work in all settings where they have contact with children, more so children who could be more vulnerable than others such as a child who struggles with a physical or mental disability. All children need to feel safe and secure and confident that they are being taught or mentored by adults they can trust and as professionals we have a duty of care to ensure children are protected while in our care. It is of the upmost importance that the correct people, whether they are full time employees or volunteers are given CRB checks. All agencies involved with children (more so, vulnerable children and young people) must take practical measures to make certain that the risk of harm to children/young people’s wellbeing is minimised. In a school these will include a child’s physical safety and security both on site and on school trips, security whilst using the internet, staff awareness and training, monitoring and record keeping and partnership and involvement with other agencies. If there are concerns about a child/young person’s welfare then action should be taken and the appropriate agencies involved. As well as including these safeguarding measures in school policies and procedures pupils should also be encouraged to think about safety both when they are in the learning environment and off site, so that they develop their own awareness of acceptable and unacceptable