Paragraph One
‘Outline’ – to define the nature of supermarkets and summarise the power they have over consumer society.
Supermarket power – summarise the major supermarkets in the uk
High street – identify the effects on local shops i.e groceries
Beyond – how this affects the world
Explain my objective and how I’m going to answer the question.
Main body of the essay Paragraph Two
Discuss Bauman’s argument about the seduced and repressed and how this is a part of the supermarket power. Seduced, being able to take part in consumer society and repressed is seen as not able to. Supermarket power allows the repressed to take part.
Paragraph Three
Peter Jackson’s study on consuming which links to Bauman’s seduced and repressed
Paragraph Four
Concepts ‘zero-sum power’ and ‘positive-sum power’ * Dennis Wrong (1997) uses zero-sum and positive-sum game. * Zero-sum game – supermarkets gain more than the high street and factories, supermarkets gain is at their expense * Positive-sum game- consumer society and supermarkets both gain by supermarkets dominant position
Paragraph Five
* Patrick opposing to the gain of supermarket power and Linwood sees the gain from superstore development * Anti-supermarket campaigners.
Paragraph Six
To conclude the discussion and ensure the argument has been put across, in regards to the question.
Outline the nature of supermarket power on the high street and beyond.
Power of the supermarkets in the UK and worldwide is growing more due to consumer society. The biggest four supermarkets account for around ¾ of the market in the United Kingdom. I will be discussing ideas from Zygmunt Bauman, Peter Jackson, Dennis Wrong and the developments throughout the United Kingdom. In addition I will be explaining the idea of seduced and repressed, as well as zero-sum game and
Bibliography: Hetherington, K. (2009) ‘Consumer society? Shopping, consumption and social science’, in Taylor, S., Hinchchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds) Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Allen, J. (2009) ‘One-stop shopping: the power of supermarkets’, in Taylor, S., Hinchchliffe, S., Clarke, J. and Bromley, S. (eds) Making Social Lives, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Staples, M., Meegan, J., Jeffries, E. and Bromley, S. (2009) Learning Companion 2, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Self Reflection What have you particularly enjoyed so far in studying this module? What have you found challenging? I have enjoyed learning about how supermarkets affect our choices and how they also affect the local shops on the high streets. I have found creating the essay plan challenging as I have never created one before. However, I found the online activity useful for this.