Introduction .pg 3
Outsourcing .pg 3
Homesourcing 5
Farmshoring .pg 6
Conclusion . 7
References 8
Outsourcing: Problems and Solutions
As today's young adults are graduating from high school and college, what is one of their first choices? Where are they going to get a job? Some of today's big jobs are being taken from the United States and sent to countries overseas. So where does that leave our young adults? They may have to move away from home and to not be with their families. Are you aware of the other options to this? A great exception to this outsourcing can be to send these positions to rural areas, instead of foreign countries.
Every year thousands of Americans become unemployed. Some of these positions are inevitable, such as new technologies being developed, but they do not all have to be. Outsourcing, or off-shoring as it could be called, is the process of sending jobs originating in the United States to foreign countries overseas. Companies do this because in those countries they can achieve more work with cheaper wages for employees. But is it all worth it?
Outsourcing is not a new concept. It has been around for a few years. It started with the Information Technology (IT) jobs and worked its way into other areas. Even our pineapples are not safe from outsourcing anymore. "Last month Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. announced its pineapple operations in Hawaii will cease by mid 2008. The reason? According to the Associated Press, the company stated it is "no longer feasible to grow pineapple in Hawaii because it can be produced for less elsewhere"' (Heffner 2006).
"The Defending American Jobs Act of 2004 is being introduced by Rep Bernard Sanders (Ind-Va) with 50 co-sponsors from both republican and democratic parties. Why does this seem necessary? In his
References: Geller, A. (2005, May 9). ‘Homeshoring ' means that call center might be someone 's bedroom. Seattle Post Intelligence, Retrieved April 2, 2006, from Heffner, T. (2006). Offshoring: Friend or Foe? Printed Circuit Design & Manufacture, 23(3), p.4, Retrieved March 26, 2006, from ProQuest database. Jonsson, P. (2006, February 23). Jobs on farms, not abroad; High-tech companies are keeping jobs in the US by setting up offices in rural areas to cut costs. The Christian Science Monitor, p.02, Retrieved March 26, 2006, from ProQuest database. Mello, John Jr. (2005, January 26). "Home-Sourcing" vs. Offshoring. Retrieved March 29, 2006 from Outsourcing affects us all. (2004). Retrieved March 18, 2006, from Overby, S. (2004, September 1). Keeping IT work close to home [Electronic Version]. CIO Magazine. Schwartz, N. (2004, May/June). Much more than jobs being outsourced [Electronic Version]. Information Management Journal, 38(3), p.13, Retrieved March 26, 2006 from EBSCOhost database. The Future of White-Collar Offshoring. (2004, October). The jobs and cities that will be most heavily affected by offshoring. Angelou Economics. Retrieved April 26, 2006 from