Customers are arguably the most important stakeholder. This is because they are the main source of cash flow in a business. This means that the business has to listen to what the customers want and need in order to make a profit.
Customers Customers are arguably the most important stakeholder. This is because they are the main source of cash flow in a business. This means that the business has to listen to what the customers want and need in order to make a profit.
Employees Employees create and deliver products or services that the customers consume. It is important to make sure …show more content…
that they are motivated in order to provide the best customer service.
Suppliers Suppliers are interested in a business because they want to continue supplying them. Supplies usually have to sign some sort of agreement.
Owners Owners are the ones that make a profit from the business. When owners are managing the company, their reputation is at stake.
Pressure groups A pressure group has an interest in business because they can affect their member’s beliefs. For example a pressure group that wants to preserve the environment would have an issue when supermarkets use unnecessary packaging.
Trade unions Trade unions are there to protect the rights of employees. They can negotiate wages and working conditions. They also regulate relations between the employer and employee.
Employee associations They represent employees and can speak on behalf of them if an employee has any concerns or problems.
Local and national communities
Local and national governments
Local communities can boycott a store if it does not
The government receives tax on businesses.
They also set the rules and regulations for a business.
Employees Barnardos have a retirement savings plan for their employees. Barnardos staff are able to choose one of two contribution rates, 4% or 6%. These are matched by Barnardos. They have a flexible working policy, which all employees have the right to request. Furthermore, they offer an extended maternity leave which they describe as ‘generous’. Barnardos also encourages employees to get involved with the forums and groups throughout the charity. These are local and national.
Trade Unions All the people that work in the UK have the right to join a trade union. In 2004, Barnardos and Union negotiated a recognition deal. Unison claimed to already have over 22% of their staff as members of their trade union. This shows that trade unions do have an influence of charities.
Pressure groups After Margaret Thatcher’s death in 2013, a pressure group called the ‘Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) smashed a window of a Barnardos charity shop in Brixton. They claimed that this was because they thought that Barnardos funded Cedars detention centre, which detains families. They tried to exert pressure onto Barnardos to make them stop funding Cedars detention centre. This is an example of how a pressure group may try to influence a …show more content…
Local and national communities Barnardos runs a diverse range of services, a lot of these help black and ethnic minority communities across the country.
It contributes to the community by helping with various issues such as pupils being expelled from school and domestic violence.
Local and national governments Barnardos have had success in changing the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. They now have introduced a range of offences which relate to grooming and coercion. This shows that they do have a influence on the
Customers Customers are important because without them a business would not make any profit. They influence a business because they have the option to take to purchase goods or services from a different provider. This means that a business has to listen to what the customers want. Customers are external stakeholders. ASDA ensures that they get regular customers by offering promotions throughout their stores such as buy one get one free.
Owners Wal-Mart has an important influence over ASDA as it is its parent company.
Pressure groups Pressure groups can sway the general public and gain their support on issues. This will influence ASDA. They can use methods such as protesting, petitioning and lobbying to gain recognition and support for their cause.
Local and national communities Local communities can petition against a new building or development in their area.
Employees Employees are internal stakeholders.