This essay will explore different policies and legislations that affect practitioners as well as, children and families in Britain. This will be accomplished by referring policies and legislations to Cathy whom is a mother of three and has just moved cities due to having issues with her partner. This essay will also demonstrate the effect …show more content…
In actual fact the Children Act 2004, came to be to legalised and provide legislation to the ECM agenda. The ECM agenda has impacted not only on professionals working with families and children like Cathy’s but also on the local and central government. The ECM agenda came to be as a result of the Laming Report after the death of Victoria Climbie who was killed by her own aunt and uncle. The impacts on different agencies are due to the 5 outcomes of ECM which includes Being Healthy physically and mental and involves living a healthy lifestyle. Staying safe which involves protection from neglect and harm. Enjoying and achieving, this means developing skills for adulthood and enjoying life. Making a Positive Contribution, this includes positive involvement with community and society. Finally, Economic Wellbeing, which involves every child being able to achieve their full potential and not be underprivileged by economic disadvantage, Wild and Mitchel (2007). This can be supported by Zwozdiak-Myers, 2007 who adds by explaining how the CAF can fit into the ECM …show more content…
This can be seen as Cathy’s previous partner Mark has been violent towards Mary, one of Cathy’s children which has made Cathy feel scared and worried about her children’s safety. One legislation that relates to domestic violence is the children act 2004 as one of the 5 ECM agenda is that every child should be safe and have protection from neglect and harm. Services like the police can help against issues like domestic abuse and violence and follow legislation like ‘the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (DVCV) Act 2004 [which] is the biggest overhaul of the law on domestic violence in the last 30 years. It contains a wide range of reforms in the three distinct areas; domestic violence, crime and victims (Home Office, 2005). As well as this, according to (DFES, 2006i cited in Walker, 2008:68) safeguarding can play a big role in domestic abuse as children’s services should safeguard and promote the welfare of children. This can be explained by ‘working together to safeguard children’ which states children services should be ‘ protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health and development, ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care’ (DFES, 2006i cited in Walker, 2008:68). Furthermore, the children Act 1989, supports children being taken from