Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a Latin noun meaning "something given". Today, data is used in English both as a plural noun meaning "facts or pieces of information".
Data is simply a "scientific" term for facts, figures, information and measurements. Example; People with white hair.
Data collection by an organisation can be internal or external.
Internal data- Information, facts and data available from within a companys information systems. Internal data is normally not accessible by outside parties without the companys express permission. Gathering data from inside the organization involves = Establishing a system for collecting or measuring data and
= Relying to some extent on …show more content…
The disadvantages are high costs and time.
Secondary data (or secondary information) is information that has been collected by persons or agencies for purposes other than the solution of the marketing research problem at hand. These data may have been collected from sources within the researcher’s firm or from sources outside the firm. The key point is that the data were collected for some other project, or reason, than the current one.
In contrast, primary data is data collected for the researcher’s current research project.
Primary data is often collected from a respondent, an individual who provides information either passively through the observation of his or her behavior, or actively through verbal response.
Researchers using primary data must be concerned with information obtained by asking questions, by observing behavior or by examining the results of past behavior.
In addition to primary and secondary data, there exists commercial data sold in the form of syndicated services. These data are collected by commercial marketing research firms