October 15th 2013
There are many different things in the environment that can affect people even things such as noise and populations density. When there is chronic or even short term noise and other people intrude on another person’s territory, privacy and personal space it can cause different results like severe anxiety producing illnesses or just a simple annoyance (Straub, 2007). In order to prevent anxiety, frustration and aggression the fact that personal space, population increases, privacy and territory are being infringed upon need to be acknowledged as accommodations that need to be addressed.
Understanding Territoriality, Privacy, and …show more content…
People have certain perceptions of space so if those perceptions that people have can be changed then the lack of space might actually turn into a perception of more space. Spaces can be designed in such a way that they appear bigger than they really are. The more crowding that takes place the more it becomes important to design spaces that allow people to maintain their well-being and health. People that feel they have enough space feel that they have more control over their own environment and experience less stress and anxiety (Straub, 2007).
The Effect of Nature on Individuals Living in Urban Environments Natural settings that are located in urban areas encourage the idea that there is a need to convene with nature and be part of it. Some of those natural settings are places like parks, zoos and other green spaces. These natural setting create social context and support for a person to interact with nature. They also help with environmental identity within urban living situations. Natural environments can permute good health, reduced crime and reduced disease (Maller et al. …show more content…
These perceptions have different psychological effects on each person. It has been proven that the lack of space can have true negative effects. Violent and aggressive behaviors, poor interaction within the community and poor performance within the schools are evident when urban environments have limited space (Clayton & Myers, 2008). Depended on how people interpret noise it can be a great annoyance and increase anxiety and stress levels. When certain noises cannot be controlled going through the different steps of noise reduction within the home can be helpful especially in reducing stress levels (Struab,