As the first symptom stated people who possess PTSD might have flashbacks of reliving their unsettling event; this is prevalent with Rae because she often had nightmares of her stepfather or other men proceeding after her. Blocking out specific memories or becoming numb to one’s feelings is familiar with Rae and Lazarus. Rae obtained a critical form of substance abuse to try to counteract her constant feelings of procreative urges and pain when confronted with ordinary events. Lazarus developed an alcohol dilemma to suffocate the agony of losing his wife and little brother and became numb to the feeling of abandonment. The last symptom of PTSD is predominating in both Rae and Ronnie. Any time Rae would hear someone by her while asleep, she would urgently wake up frightened of someone trying to abuse her. Ronnie would often have harsh anxiety attacks any time boisterous noises were made around
As the first symptom stated people who possess PTSD might have flashbacks of reliving their unsettling event; this is prevalent with Rae because she often had nightmares of her stepfather or other men proceeding after her. Blocking out specific memories or becoming numb to one’s feelings is familiar with Rae and Lazarus. Rae obtained a critical form of substance abuse to try to counteract her constant feelings of procreative urges and pain when confronted with ordinary events. Lazarus developed an alcohol dilemma to suffocate the agony of losing his wife and little brother and became numb to the feeling of abandonment. The last symptom of PTSD is predominating in both Rae and Ronnie. Any time Rae would hear someone by her while asleep, she would urgently wake up frightened of someone trying to abuse her. Ronnie would often have harsh anxiety attacks any time boisterous noises were made around