
Pabla Case Study Summary

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Pabla Case Study Summary
This case scenario focusses on Pabla a 20-year-old man of Cuban/Haiti national, who attends the project for food. Pabla lived in Peckham with his mum, dad and 17-year-old brother Pedro before becoming homeless 3 weeks ago as a result of him admitting his sexuality to his family as being gay. He studies History at the university and manages to attend lectures. He uses the university facilities to wash and stays in the library overnight for warmth. Pabla admitted to have been using drugs in particularly Ketamine for the past 6 months. His maternal aunt lives in Clapham. Referral states that there were concerns regarding Pablas’ welfare and that an urgent referral to the university’s student service is needed. For the purpose of this assessment …show more content…
The research also exposes the risk this marginalised group face due to the stigma and discrimination by loved ones and the society, which can lead to health and Mental Health problems. In addition to this, effect of such isolation could also lead to low self-esteem, drug use, abuse, exposure to HIV/Aids, depression and suicide (Family Acceptance Project, 2009). Sexual orientation and gender identity are aspects of who people are, but with Pabla in addition to him being gay there are additional issues such as being gay and black - which makes him more prone to hate and discrimination( Therefore, it is essential for Pabla to have a trusting relationship that he is in an environment where people understand LGBT issues and where social work professionals are confident to work with him in an inclusive and anti - discriminatory manner( Considering these issues, an Eclectic approach seem suitable for the complexities in Pablas case in other to determine the right …show more content…
Payne emphasised the usefulness of using this approach in casework and highlighted how social work professionals can use various theories successfully. Although there have been some criticism around the use of different theories without having the background knowledge of individual theories which might lead to confusion (p.40). I identified systems theory to work with Pablas family, to achieve an holistic view of the relationship dynamics amongst the whole family, in other to look for ways they can be supported. In Pablas case, this approach will help address the issue of Pablas sexuality and ways in which his family could be supported in coming to terms with this change. Pablas family consent will be sort if they would be happy to engage in counselling. Referal will also be made to online resources and LGBT family support network such as Family Acceptance Project - resources available in Spanish/English on learning new ways they can to support Pabla and to improve their

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