He was an enthusiastic and hard-working man, always worrying about the well-being of his community. To help the indigenous, he built an estate where he established a pottery shop, a tanning shop, a blacksmith stable, a carpentry store, and a looming shop. Up until that famous night, Hidalgo lived in Mexico. Mexico was a Spanish colony, one of the most prosperous ones though full of social injustice. Hidalgo 's liberal ideas led him to join forces with a group of people who opposed the Spanish dominance. Together with this group of liberals, they reached an agreement to begin a revolution in October of 1810. However, they were discovered and forced to move up the date to September 16, 1810.
Hidalgo took the banner with the image of the Virgin Guadalupe and, ringing the church bell, he gathered many faithful Catholics from his parish to listen attentively to Hidalgo 's speech. He talked to them about Spanish oppression and about the impending need to free themselves from Spain. The angry people shouted:
Bibliography: Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla http://www.elbalero.gob.mx/kids/history/html/independ/biohidalgo.html Miguel Hidalgo http://www.nndb.com/people/816/000095531/ Miguel Hidalgo: The Father Who Fathered a Country http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/history/jtuck/jthidalgo.html Picture http://www.mexicodesconocido.com.mx/espanol/historia/personajes/miguel_hidalgo_y_costilla.jpg