Eighteenth century witnessed major change in to two continents of the world i.e; Europe and Asia
In Europe strong monarchies and corporate communities or merchant communities were on the rise where as india the Rule of Muslims in India were taking last breath. Several causes lead to the decline of muslims power in India contributory factors which proved last straw for muslim empire in India.
1) No suceesion Plan:- first and Major reason of decline of Muslim rule in Indian subcontinent was that there was no succession in muslims after the death of one king his brothers, sons fought with each other at that time Darwinian theory of “survival of fittest” was suited to Indian kings where only powerfull has ascend to throne and weaker was killed or incarcinated.
2) Geographical expansion of The empire:- The second reason was that the empire of muslim was vast it stratches from Present india, Pakistan and Afghanistan it was near to impossible to govern that vast area while sitting in one capital city which ultimately creates the feeling of sovereignty in small states which lead to unrest in small states.
3) Deterioration of Morality:- Most of Kings were fond of liquior and women these two factors lead the way for decline of Mugh al Empire abundance of wealth, luxurious life and leisure made them reckless and incompetent to rule.
4) Lack of orginised Army specialy Navay:- Muslims were lacked the orginised Army after death of jehangir the commanders of the Army were involved in conspiricies in order to get to the throne where as their main foucs was the power then to concentrate on Preparation to face aggression from out side. Portougees, French and English entered through sea route for commercial purposes where they captured coastal areas and built their Garrisons and formed strong orginsied force consist of locals as well their own manpower.
5) Intellectual Bankrupcy:- As muslim rules indulged in immoral