(Additional stories)
1. Tatra ?hatv? ra??o? uppatti kathetabb?. From there, it should be spoken the birth of the king. (So pana)? amh?ka? satthuno bodhippattito puretarameva mah?malaya ra??he vanacaraka? pa?icca tassa bhariy?ya kucchiya? pa?isandhi? ga?hi. He before the enlightentment (itself) of our Master, conceived due to a hunter in the womb of his wife. Nava??ham?s?vas?ne m?tukucchito nikkhamitv? kamena va??hanto vi???bh?va?? p?pu?i. (He) having left from the womb of the mother after nine and half months, growing gradually became a knowledged one. Tassa pit? eka? d?rika? ?netv? puttassa gehe ak?si. His father, having brought a girl made a house for the son.Aparabh?ge tassa pit? k?lamak?si. Later on his father passed …show more content…
Punadivase paccekabuddho lenato nikkhamitv? sar?rapa?ijaggana? katv? surattapallavasadisa? antarav?saka? parima??ala? katv? niv?setv? bahalapavaramah?pa?suk?lac?vara? p?rupitv? n?labhamarava??a? patta? hatthena gahetv? ?k?sena ?gantv? tassa ku?idv?re p?ka?o ahosi. Next day, Pacceka Buddha having left from the cave, having done taken care the body, having covered the under garment like the very red coloured tenders, having dressed, having put on the thikned great robe made by the rugs taken from dust heap, having taken the bowl by hand, which was blue coloured like the feathers of the bee, having gone by air appeared in front of the door of his cage. Carako ku?ito nikkhamitv? ta? vanditv? hatthato patta? gahetv? geha? pavesetv? p??he nis?d?petv? attan??hapita??h?nato panasaphala? gahetv? y?sa? patte p?retv? pa?iggah?pesi. Paccekabuddho ta? paribhu?jitv? ?k?sato attano vasana??h?nameva gato. Caraka having left from the cage, reverenced him, taken the bowl from the hand, made entered to the house, made sat on the chair, having taken the jack fruit from the place where he put, having filled juice into the bowl, offered. Pacceka Buddha, having eaten it went to his own dwelling place itself. Athekadivasa? carako parades? gacchanto bhariya? pakkos?petv?: ?amma, ayyassa appamatto hutv? d?na? deh??ti sabb?pakara?a? niyy?detv? paradesa? gato. Thereafter, once, Caraka going to other country, having summoned wife (told): ?my dear, please offer alms to the noble one in diligence.? …show more content…
Tasmi? samaye paccekabuddho nah?natth?ya gato. At that time, Pacceka Buddha had gone for bathing. Gantv? ca pana k?yabandhana? ?k?se c?varava?sa? viya katv? niv?sanap?pura?a? tasmi? ?hapetv? jalas??aka? niv?setv? udakamatthak? ?k?se nis?ditv? nah?yitu? ?rabhi. Having gone, the belt made to be a cloath line in the air, having put dressing cloaths on it, having dressed bath-robe seating top of the water in the sky, started to bath. Carako paccekabuddhassa garug?ravak?ra?a? passanto gumbantare nil?no a??h?si. ?hatv? ca pana evar?pa? acchariya? disv? cintesi: Aya?ca evar?pa? na karoti, addh? es? mus?v?d??ti. Caraka seeing the reasons that has to be respected to Pacceka Buddha stood having hiden inside of the bushes. Aha? etiss? vacana? gahetv? evar?passa sama?assa ak?ra?e apar?dha? kata?. I, having taken her word, did a crime to recluse like this unreasonably. Eso t?disa? na karot??ti cintetv? paccekabuddhassa nahatv? ?hitak?le? gantv? p?desu nipatitv?: ?Mayha? khamatha ayy??ti ?ha. Having thought ?this monk does not do such a thing? when finished the bath, having gone laid down at the feet of Pacceka Buddha said: ?nobleone, please forgive me? Pacceka buddho: Ki? kathesi up?sak??ti. Pacceka Buddha told ?Upasaka what do you say?? So attano m?tug?massa kathita? ?cikkhi. He pointed out what his wife told. Eva?hi sati up?saka tumh?ka? ?gatakamma? ni??hapetv? gantu? va??at??ti ?ha. If it is so, Upasaka, it is suitable to turn back having completed the duty for what came. M? eva?