This structure appealed to me personally because my family built a mausoleum for my deceased relatives. This picture showed that the people in Palmyra valued their family's traditions. They put importance to their relative's personality by engraving a structure that would make others remember the deceased. The city of Palmyra was probably a wealthy city. The necklaces and earrings worn by the children and the intricate design on the couch showed how they appreciated jewelries and took their appearance
This structure appealed to me personally because my family built a mausoleum for my deceased relatives. This picture showed that the people in Palmyra valued their family's traditions. They put importance to their relative's personality by engraving a structure that would make others remember the deceased. The city of Palmyra was probably a wealthy city. The necklaces and earrings worn by the children and the intricate design on the couch showed how they appreciated jewelries and took their appearance